Intrathecal opioid administration
Another therapy option for chronic and therapy-resistant pain syndromes is the implantation of Drug pumps. Through the intrathecal administration of opioids, both Treats nociceptive as well as mixed neuropathic-nociceptive pain will. In addition to the careful patient selection required for such a Exact titration of the opioid intrathecally is an option important. Therefore, the test should first be carried out with an external pump be carried out to ensure an even flow of medication guarantee. The intrathecal opioid dose corresponds to approx. 1/300 to 1/100 of the respective oral dosage. By puncturing with a Tuohy cannula a Du Pen catheter is inserted into the subarachnoid space through which the Opiate is delivered directly to the spinal cord.
Only after successful testing and more clearly Pain reduction taking into account the side effects comes about definitive implantation of a drug pump. The patient must act afterwards re-introduce it at regular intervals to fill the pump.
Even patients who suffer from spastic paresis, such as after a spinal cord injury or as part of encephalomyelitis disseminata (also known as multiple sclerosis) benefit from Drug pumps. They use the drug Lioresal (baclofen) for Treatment of spasticity applied.
Indications for the intrathecal infusion (drug pump)
- Chronic regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
- Nociceptive Failed Back Surgery Syndrome
- Pain in malignancies
- Spinal cord injury
- Dystonia
- osteoporosis
- Polyarthritis